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Sunday, December 24, 2006

"The Song Of One Who Weeps Forever" by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

Here is the song I have been asked to recite this Christmas Eve morning at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship:

The Song of One Who Weeps Forever
In the Name of Sheikh
Sultan Muhaiyaddeen of Baghdad

Have you abandoned me at this moment,
Permitting my body's destruction?
Have you made all my struggles and suffering useless,
So that I sigh with frustration
Like a man longing for fruit beyond his reach?
Ya Muhaiyaddeen, may Allab be pleased with you.

I do not know the destiny written for me.
Have my words not reached your holy ears?
O grace, you have come as the gracious one,
Have mercy on me.
Come, take me to the palace of the King,
Ya Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

Come to this world and make me your own,
So that I see your state in this cage
Before death comes.
I am just a wicked man singing songs,
Come, take away my suffering, console me,
O great Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

There is no one else to help me,
Why do you not have pity
On Me? I arrived at this sad state
Because of my parents' faults.
Come to me before I am put into an earthen grave,
Ya Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

If you do not have pity on me after saying all this
Whom can I tell of my kinship with you,
O great King Muhammad, Rasul, Messenger
From whom the fragrance of kasturi emanates,
Please remove the suffering of a sinner,
Great Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

At your feet I weep and beg
That all the faults of this tormented sinner be forgiven.
To whom can I confess my sins?
Please come immediately, take away my sorrows,
Ya Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

At this moment take pity on me.
I have unwittingly had what is in the crown of your head.
Forgive my faults before my body is destroyed,
Keep me at your feet,
Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

Endless treachery and falsehood have lived
In my heart as intoxicants. I am such a sinner,
But I know you are the only refuge for this poor wretch.
Please remove the treachery from my heart,
Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

If you who know everything
Should abandon me at this moment,
Where can I turn?
There is no one to help me.
Please come, dwell in my heart,
Save me from the torment of my sorrows,
So I will yearn for your divine feet,
Ya Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

If you leave me heart, I will become so evil,
I will become a sinner wasting my time,
I will melt and burn like wax in a fire.
Appear before me at this very moment,
Our Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

I was cheated when I worshipped the earth,
I was possessed by a demon when I worshipped women.
As my mother and father would, take pity on me, your slave.
Is there anyone else who can help me?
Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah, be pleased with you.

Please forgive all the faults I have committted,
Draw me to your feet, protect me.
I swear in the name of God who permeates heaven and earth
I have told the truth as I see it.
Please hear me,
Ya Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

Radiance of the pure one
Who shone like light from a cradle of beautiful gems
In the throne of God, even in the time of darkness before creation began,
Is there any other truth to praise or sing about?
Protect me, have compassion, jeweled light of my eyes,
Ya Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

Even though I keep your holy name within,
And try to establish the inner light of perfect purity,
Why do I still waver and make mistakes?
I am a sinner whose bodily cage may be destroyed before I ever see the King.
I have no one to help me except you,
Yah Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

I am telling the absolute truth,
And the time is right.
Appear before me,
Appear in my heart, at this moment take pity on me,
Make me victorious
In the field of devotion, in the countryside
Where the golden rain of grace falls,
Ya Meera Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you.

Meera Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you,
You imprisoned that jinn in a small phial
And rescured a golden princess.
Will I ever find myself
And dedicate my life to God
Before death comes to seize me?
Meera Muhaiyaddeen, may Allah be pleased with you

--His Holiness M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, "Maya Veeram: or The Fortess of Illusion," pages 153-5


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