I heard an NPR interview with an Israeli government spokesman about the unfortunately timed announcement of new housing projects in Jerusalem made while VP Biden was visiting Netanyahu. The official story goes likes this: some low-level underling made the announcement unaware that Biden was in town or that anything in it could be offensive; besides, the spokesman added, the decision is only at the stage 4 level of a seven-stage process and is by no means a fait accomplit. NPR asked was she fired? "Of course not," he was answered. Why? She was just some schlub doing her job. Earlier in the week, while watching C-Span to hear Dennis Kucinich announce his support of the health care bill, I watched three AIPAC lackeys get up and chastise the president for being so upset by the mistake. The third schmuck actually said that Jerusalem and the West Bank are Israeli territory and that this beloved ally of the US can do whatever it damn well pleases with and in them. He all but called them the spoils of the 1967 war.
Is it any wonder why so many on the Left are burned out? Wars, our own and those of our dearest ally in the Middle East, are just a tiresome, no-longer-worrisome, fact of life. Sorry, Palestine, your captors are instating their own novel version of a two-state solution--Palestine will henceforth be known as a Soweto-type homeland for Arabs and a crazy quilt of condominiums for Jews known collectively as Palace-stine. Israel proper will simply function as some mother ship of state, periodically sending its citizens to Palace-stine to live in luxurious apartheid supremacy in choice locations such as the Golan Heights.
In protest, I'm thinking of building an Apartheid museum next to the Holocaust museum in either Washington or New York. Maybe AIPAC will buy me out for ten times the price I paid for the building. Hey, I'm Jewish. I know a good deal when I see one. Besides, I'll have made my useless symbolic point and can retire to my own condo. Maybe I'll even exercise my right of return and live in the Golan Heights. You never know when automatic biological Jewish identity and the citizenship it confers on angel and demon alike will come in handy.
And that's really what the insult was all about--Netanyahu is a Jewish white supremacist teabagger from Cheltenham as incensed by having an African-American in the White House as Rush Limbaugh. This "accident" was simply a deliberate act of racism. And please don't call me anti-Semitic for accusing Israel's leadership of racism. The irony would make laugh so hard I may choke.
posted by David Federman @ 5:28 AM 0 comments