An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton
Dear Senator Clinton:
I am a lifelong Democrat who first voted for Lyndon Johnson in 1964 because I thought he would keep his promise not to deepen our involvement in Vietnam. I remember how I fell for his tactic of mushroom cloud footage. Four years later after the antiwar movement forced militarist Johnson to abandon any hopes of a second term, I remember how the Democratic Party took away the nomination from Eugene McCarthy, the rightful peace candidate, and gave it to Hubert Humphrey, Johnson's lackey. In 1972, I remember when the Democrats ruined George McGovern's chances to win and sentenced us to another Nixon term. Why do I cite these earlier debacles?
Because you are the Hubert Humphrey of our time. And you are using tactics as reprehensible as those Lyndon Johnson used to frighten citizens to vote for him. Now you are doing to Barack Obama what was done to MacCarthy and McGovern.
I know you are counting on lifelong Democrats like me voting, however reluctantly, for you as a way to keep John McCain from gaining office.
But you are wrong. I will not be frightened or in any way coerced into voting for you. My vote, which I have squandered too often in the past, is a sacred possession. This time I will exercise it for its deepest purpose at the present time: to bring about true change and good in this country. I will not exercise it to slow or slacken this great country's rapid slide toward financial and moral bankruptcy. Don't get me wrong. I will cast votes in other races next November (Jim Gerlach has to go), but I will abstain from voting for either of the two presidential candidates if one of them is you.
Hillary, your ends-justifies-the-means tactics make any advocacy on your part of progressive ideas pure hypocrisy. Your ruthlessness has made you as dangerous as your opponent. If my choice next November is between you and John McCain, I will protect the privilege of meaningful choice by NOT voting for any presidential candidate. The Democratic Party will not be able to count on me to vote for you as the illusory lesser of two evils.
On the Compassion Forum you claim yourself a Christian. Maybe you should remember the words attributed to the man you have taken as an avatar of God, a guru and an all-weather/all-terrain 24/7 role model: "What does it profit a man to gain the world if he loses his soul?"
The reason I support Barack Obama is because there is a vivid line he will not cross in his pursuit of power. It is a line you crossed so long ago that you have forgotten it ever existed. God help America if you are the best candidate the Democratic Party can offer this country. I only hope that if you cheat Obama of his candidacy that he will do what Al Gore should have done in 2000: declare a government in exile and rally all those who admire him to build a viable third party to save this country in 2012. He can count on my support--physical and fiscal--if he does.
In the mean time, Hillary, I want to thank you for showing me a way beyond the fear that has governed almost every presidential vote I have ever cast. Your profoundly regrettable scorched-earth campaign tactics have given me the courage to withhold the support you seek to blackmail from me. If there are millions more like me, you will earn the disgrace of defeat you so justly deserve.
In disillusionment with you and the Democratic Party for not stopping you,
David Federman,
Lifelong Registered Democrat,
Narberth, PA
I am a lifelong Democrat who first voted for Lyndon Johnson in 1964 because I thought he would keep his promise not to deepen our involvement in Vietnam. I remember how I fell for his tactic of mushroom cloud footage. Four years later after the antiwar movement forced militarist Johnson to abandon any hopes of a second term, I remember how the Democratic Party took away the nomination from Eugene McCarthy, the rightful peace candidate, and gave it to Hubert Humphrey, Johnson's lackey. In 1972, I remember when the Democrats ruined George McGovern's chances to win and sentenced us to another Nixon term. Why do I cite these earlier debacles?
Because you are the Hubert Humphrey of our time. And you are using tactics as reprehensible as those Lyndon Johnson used to frighten citizens to vote for him. Now you are doing to Barack Obama what was done to MacCarthy and McGovern.
I know you are counting on lifelong Democrats like me voting, however reluctantly, for you as a way to keep John McCain from gaining office.
But you are wrong. I will not be frightened or in any way coerced into voting for you. My vote, which I have squandered too often in the past, is a sacred possession. This time I will exercise it for its deepest purpose at the present time: to bring about true change and good in this country. I will not exercise it to slow or slacken this great country's rapid slide toward financial and moral bankruptcy. Don't get me wrong. I will cast votes in other races next November (Jim Gerlach has to go), but I will abstain from voting for either of the two presidential candidates if one of them is you.
Hillary, your ends-justifies-the-means tactics make any advocacy on your part of progressive ideas pure hypocrisy. Your ruthlessness has made you as dangerous as your opponent. If my choice next November is between you and John McCain, I will protect the privilege of meaningful choice by NOT voting for any presidential candidate. The Democratic Party will not be able to count on me to vote for you as the illusory lesser of two evils.
On the Compassion Forum you claim yourself a Christian. Maybe you should remember the words attributed to the man you have taken as an avatar of God, a guru and an all-weather/all-terrain 24/7 role model: "What does it profit a man to gain the world if he loses his soul?"
The reason I support Barack Obama is because there is a vivid line he will not cross in his pursuit of power. It is a line you crossed so long ago that you have forgotten it ever existed. God help America if you are the best candidate the Democratic Party can offer this country. I only hope that if you cheat Obama of his candidacy that he will do what Al Gore should have done in 2000: declare a government in exile and rally all those who admire him to build a viable third party to save this country in 2012. He can count on my support--physical and fiscal--if he does.
In the mean time, Hillary, I want to thank you for showing me a way beyond the fear that has governed almost every presidential vote I have ever cast. Your profoundly regrettable scorched-earth campaign tactics have given me the courage to withhold the support you seek to blackmail from me. If there are millions more like me, you will earn the disgrace of defeat you so justly deserve.
In disillusionment with you and the Democratic Party for not stopping you,
David Federman,
Lifelong Registered Democrat,
Narberth, PA